Jerry Seinfeld Says He Misses ‘Dominant Masculinity,’ Despite ‘the Toxic Thing’


Jerry Seinfeld believes masculinity is decreasing as a result of the hanging modern perception of gender relations, making it less significant. He says he misses dominant masculinity.

In an interview with the podcast Honestly with Bari Weiss, Jerry talked about his childhood in the 1960s, changing views of masculinity and his  directorial venture Unfrosted.

On the podcast, Jerry shared some nostalgia for the 1960s era, when there was “an agreed upon hierarchy” as opposed to the “absolutely vaporised” one of the current times.

“We have no sense of hierarchy (today). As humans, we don’t really feel comfortable with that. That is part of what…if you want to talk about nostalgia, that is part of what makes [the 1960s] attractive looking back,” Jerry stated.

He also added, “Another thing, as a man… I always wanted to be a real man. When I was in that era, it was JFK, Muhammad Ali, Sean Connery, Howard Cosell. That’s a real man! I wanted to be like that someday. Well, no. I never really grew up. You don’t want to as a comedian because it’s a childish pursuit. I miss a dominant masculinity. I get the toxic thing… but still I like a real man.”.

He also praised Hugh Grant, who features in his upcoming film, as an example of a “real man”. He said he “knows how to dress, he knows how to talk, he’s charming, he has stories, he’s comfortable at dinner parties, he knows how to get a drink”.